Monday, September 13, 2010

Doctor Who

My aunt and netflix has doomed me for they have introduced and allowed me access to Doctor Who. I started at the first season after its fifteen year break and the 9th doctor. Now my aunt is in love with the 10th doctor, but I thought it would be better to start at the beginning and work my way up to the cuteness that is David Tennant.

Now what really started all this was a program I had to go to for my one class. We had a choice of all these programs and we had to attend one. Well they were all lectures and stuff except of the Doctor Who. I was hoping it was the super old ones, but signed up anyway. Upon asking my cute TA and my aunt I found that it was a new one and were very good. So I went and enjoyed the free water and rice krispe and really enjoyed it. That night when I got back to the dorm room I looked to see if it was an instant watch on netflix and low and behold it was! I was then up to 1 in the morning watching episodes.

I have gotten to episode 7 of the first season so far and my favorite episode is "The Unquiet Dead" where we meet Charles Dickens. It was so good, minus the one girl dying in it. Overall I really enjoy it and though it is no Supernatural (which i am trying to get my aunt hooked on as revenge) it is something to pass the time in the dorm. I know how this season ends because I have seen it in reruns, but the 10th doctor is coming up :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So I know that I haven’t posted in a while, but to be honest all the posts I were working on were extremely boring. Now I get to the exciting thing…DRAGON CON! For those of you who do not know what Dragon Con is, basically it is a giant geek and freak convention. People dress up, stars give panels, there are costume contests, and basically a fun for everyone. My first time coming was last year and I took so many pictures. However this year I forgot to pack my camera *smacks herself in forehead*

But forget all that there is something that I need to tell you…I GOT A PICTURE WITH OLIVER AND JAMES PHELPS!!! *Squee!* For those of you who don’t know they play the Wesley twins in the Harry Potter movies. This was a complete surprise to me because I didn’t but the ticket for the picture, I didn’t even know they were here until we looked over the program. I went to a Q&A session with them and they were very nice, patient, and sweet. I was three rows back and I thought that it was about as close and personal I was going to get with them. If I had known the truth I wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night.

Then I get back to the booth I work at the Con and one of my aunt’s friends hands me a receipt. She tells me that it is for a picture with the Phelps twins. I had a total fan girl moment. So I got in line and they were moving us along quite quickly so I couldn’t talk to them at all, but it really didn’t matter because they both put an arm around me. I said hi and they said hi back. The funny thing was that I got in between them and Oliver puts his arm around me and pulled me to his side. Then it was the one-two-three smile thing. I said bye and they said cheers and I had another fan girl moment. They were super nice, and I know they had to be, but I think they are honestly nice guys you can tell.

Then there are the people that come to the booth that make me happy. There was one guy that kept coming to the booth that I thought was especially adorable. That was really I could say is that he was absolutely adorable and I wanted to give him my ’hug me’ pin. There was also another boy that was quite good looking that I struck up a conversation with, but he hasn’t come back. I personally like the first boy better because he was well informed about his fandom as well as adorable. Have I mentioned adorable?

We also had these buttons that said “I’ll give this button to the first person who hugs me” well I had been giving them away to the people in the booth next to us or people who stopped by. Well we had given away all of them but one and we were riding our way up to our floor this kid about my age and his mom got on the elevator. We are riding up and his mom goes “I think you should give her a hug” he gets this look of ’why the hell would I do that?’ then she points out my button and we all kind of look at each other then my aunt goes ’you have two floors to decide’ I got rid of my button. I just couldn’t believe his mother was so admit about him getting my button. If she liked the button she could have hugged me herself. My aunt always laughed she is pimping me out for her booth, while this mom was pimping out her son.

Last day of Dragon Con I was yet again left by myself at the booth and another young man come up to look at the wares. After the rest of the people bought some things or moved on he looked up at me and said ’I didn’t want to by anything I just thought you were really pretty’ Of course I am floored and can’t stop giggling like a ten year old. He hung around for a few more minutes (didn’t buy anything) then said goodbye and wondered off. It totally made my day though because it is not very often you are complete strangers tell you that you are pretty. I especially liked it since that more I had found a rather ugly pimple on the side of my nose. Score one for me.

Needless to say I LOVE Dragon Con.