Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another Semester, another set of grades

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday and are getting ready for New Years. I know I haven't been posting much, but I have been spending the break relaxing and playing the Sims 3 so nothing really to report. I did look at my grades and it was a pretty impressive semester

Statistics: A
Abnormal Psychology: -A
Japanese Art History: -A
Intermediate Fiction: -A
World Literature in English: -A

Let's just hope this can keep up until next semester!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Supernatural Season 2

*I will try to keep it as spoiler free as possible, but there will be some. You have been warned*
So if the first season of Supernatural is everything that can make you fall in love with a series, the second season is everything that makes you fall in love with the characters. I have cried, screamed, laughed, and about any other emotion you can think of during this season. It is so much more emotional then the first, probably due to the fact that they now had a fan base and were less scared of getting canceled. I don't know if I like it better then the first season, but it is just as addicting and amazing. 

Once again we join Sam and Dean on their quest to hunt demons and ultimately kill the yellow eyed demon that took their mother's and Sam's girlfriend's life. The season starts right where season one left off, the semi truck slamming into the side of the Impala. Sam and his father make it through the accident just banged up, but Dean, who was already pretty messed up, is in a coma. To save Dean's life his father makes a deal with the yellow eyed demon, his life and the colt for Dean's. The season progresses with the fight to find and kill the demon, but as Sam and Dean run into more and more physics like Sam, Sam starts to question himself and whether he should live. The first season was setting up the world and the characters, this season is most definitively about the brothers bond.  
We are introduced to a few new characters in this season. Ellen, Jo, and Ash all live in the Roadhouse, a bar that is owned by Ellen and frequented by hunters. Ellen's husband was a hunter and worked with John on a few hunts, including his last. Jo wants to follow in her father's footsteps and be a hunter, but Ellen isn't having any of it. The mother and daughter have a falling out midway through the season, which leads Jo out hunting away from the Roadhouse. Ash is a brilliant, if socially awkward, friend of Ellen's and Joe's that lives in the Roadhouse and set up an algorithm to find the yellow eyed demon from the data that John collected. I love Ash so much, he is adorable, and I also love Ellen, however I can't find it in myself to like Jo. Now I love the actress Alona Tal, but the character was just too...over the top I guess. I know a lot of fans like her, but she just didn't do it for me. 
My favorite episode has to be Tall Tales. I have a soft spot for Richard Speight Jr. after watching Band of Brother and he plays the Trickster so well. The season also plays up the relationship siblings have for one another. Sam and Dean have been through so much and yet at times it is difficult for them to even stand each other. I think the main reason I loved it was all the humor. Most Supernatural episodes have their share of laughs, but this one was mostly fun and less creepy, scary, hide under your bed stuff. Even if you don't watch Supernatural I am sure you will enjoy this episode. 

My least favorite episode is What Is and What Should Never Be. After the emotional roller coaster that was Heart I was expecting a lot of heart gripping, sobbing, and heart smashing in this episode, but it didn't get emotional until the very end. I know that it is setting up the last two episodes of the season, but even then I wanted so much more out of it. Maybe it was because Heart was so good that I expected it to be repeated, but it wasn't. Now I am not saying I hated the episode, but it was rather flat in my opinion.   

Overall a much more emotional season. The bond between the brother's is showcased more in this episode and having an older brother myself it was painful at times to watch Dean struggle as Sam asks him to kill him. Dean broke my heart so many times this season that I couldn't even take it. I am glad that Bobby came back for this season and that more hunters were introduced even if I didn't like some of them. As for a rating, I am giving it a 4.95 out of 5 because though it is amazing the first season beats it by a small margin.