Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Morning Pittsburgh!

So I went to sleep around two in the morning because some of my fellow male classmates decided it would be a good idea to sit out in the courtyard and scream at the top of their lungs. I did not agree, but then they didn't ask my opinion.

At the time I didn't see this as a huge deal since I have nothing to do today until 2p.m. At eight this morning when someone pounded on my door I remembered one small roommate Anna was moving in today. If there is anything that will wake you up faster then someone pounding on your door the the door opening when you don't think their is anyone else with a key please inform me because I have never woken up so fast. After I figured out what was going on everything went pretty smoothly. Anna's parents are super nice and have offered to buy us anything we need for the room (sweet!).

The girls moving in down the hall are exactly what I expected to find in a dorm full of girls...they are what are referred to as those girls. One refused to sleep by the window so they had to move everything in the room, then they were complaining about closet space, and now they are hanging up all there AE clothes while watching Finding Nemo. Now I'm not trying to bash Nemo but unless I am completely wrong about these girls I don't see us becoming fast friends. They are now referred to by our group as the Nemo room. Yes I said group as in I made friends.

We have an open door policy on our floor meaning if you have your door open people can come visit. Me and Anna were just chillen when this girl pops her head in and asks where we sleep. We find out her name is Alexa and is friends with a girl across the hall Lexus. They ended up sitting on the floor and talking to us for a good hour and we sucked more and more people into our room so soon we had girls from different floors. It was pretty sweet. The best part was that a smaller group of me, Lexus, Anna, Alexa, and Honor hung out together for the rest of the night. I am closest probably to Lexus just because she reminds me a lot of a girl back home that has the same name.

We had a floor meeting and I love my RA. She is super nice and sweet and wants to do all these things with us over the year. After that we had to go to an assembly about sex, drugs, and drinking. It was actually very good and talked about rejection (a giant fear of mine and about every other teenager) and how you will get turned down more then you will be accepted. I don't know if I am going to take it to heart or not, but it made me feel better at least.

I was out walking around till about 1 a.m. and then played cards up in the lounge with kids from other dorms. Some of them were a bit on the annoying side, but they were alright overall. I got back to the room at 2ish and found P.J asleep in front of the closet meaning no shower. There were also people scream outside again, but I passed out which was good seeing as I had to be up at nine

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