Saturday, October 30, 2010


So this semester I am taking a course call Vampire: Blood and Empire. For the past two class periods we have been watching Nosferatu which was the very first movie on Bram Stoker's Dracula. Now there are no copies of the original film left because the producer didn't get the Rights from the estate to make the film and all the originals were burned. However bits and piece survived and were pieced together into the movie we saw. There are a bunch of other versions of the movie so if you try to look it up be advised that no two versions are the same. 
Now let me tell you that there is nothing more entertaining then watching a silent movie from 1922 with about 70 other kids. The first reason is because the whole time I was making my own dialogue to the movie which at times was highly inappropriate. The second reason is that we would all start laughing at the most dramatic parts of the movie. Overall it was fun, but not something that I would watch on my own free time. 

Things that bothered me about the movie were too many to name, but I'll name a few. First of all was the vampire, Count Orlock, himself. I think a five year old could knock him over the way he tootled around. Then his fangs were right next to each other, not his canines. Weird much? Then he had these hairy pointy ears. He kinda reminded me of a human furby hybrid. How anyone found him scary was beyond me.

Then there was the way he died. He is all nom noming on Ellen, sees that it is morning, gets up and walks into the sun. He just disappears after that, no staking or any of the fun stuff. Very disappointing if you ask me. No one gets, shoot, staked, or really hurt in anyway then dying from the plague. I mean the Band of Light from the book isn't even in the movie! So aggravating! I mean the character that is supposed to be Van Helsing is in maybe two scenes. Though since there wasn't any talking it isn't like he could have his long and pointless speeched, but still.

I know that the plague was a more real threat to the people at this time, but it still wasn't at all frightening. maybe this is just my 2010 brain messing up the movie, I'm not sure. Hopefully the next movie we watch will be a little better, but you never know some new movies are just as awful. They think that special effect, blood, and naked women can cover up for a stupid story line. We will see.

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