Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Present From College

I always thought that it was a little mean to have grades come out 2 days before Christmas eve, but this semester it will not be a blue Christmas. I finished this semester with a 3.703 GPA with one B, two A-, and two A's. It could be worse, especially since the class I got the B in my professor pregamed before lecture. She was entertaining and knew, for the most part, what she was talking about, but was just odd. She also enjoyed swearing...a lot and could never walk in a straight line. We also only had four grades in that class. one quiz, midterm, one paper, and the final. I will take getting away with a B in that class.

I also got an A in math *happy dance* *fist pump* After getting a 77 on my first exam I was worried about that class, but working my ass off on all the online homework problems and rocking out on the second exam and the quizzes really helped me. If I didn't get an A in that class I should have been shot though since it was the third time I have taken Algebra. What was scary was that fact that there was a lot of stuff I had never done before. Next semester we are going to tackle a math I have never taken before, Trigonometry. I can't wait *eye roll

I am so excited for the rocking GPA. It has to be the best Christmas gift....well minus a few hockey players, KPop singers, actors, and other pieces of man meat that I want to see under my tree. Let's say it is the best gift that the university could have given me.

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