Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

I love this series so much it hurts and with the last book coming out this August I figured it was about time I sat down and made sure I was up to date with all the members of the flock.
This story revolves around six extraordinary children, Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel. Think there names are weird, well that's because they picked them themselves. All six of them are only 98% human, the other 2% is avian DNA. The were kept in cages, being experimented on and put through hell, until one of the white coats, Jeb Batchelder, took them away to a secluded cabin and raised them. When the story starts Jeb has been missing for two years and Max at fourteen is running the show. Soon however Erasers show up and kidnap Angel. The flock sets out to rescue Angel, sending them back to the School. Soon Max finds out that Jeb isn't dead and she may have been made to save the world. They soon escape and head for New York to see if they can find where they came from and who their parents are. However they are constantly running from Erasers, the most brutal being Ari, and Max can't help but think they are tracking her from the computer chip she discovers in her arm. Max has to fight to keep the flock together, keep her head from exploding, figure out if she is crazy for listening to The Voice in her head, and figure out exactly how she feels about Fang, all while maybe saving the world. 
I want to be like Maximum Ride when I grow up (alright I am already well older then her, but whatever). I instantly connected with her the first time that I read this book. She is smart, snarky, brave, strong, but also has all the insecurities that a normal teenage girl would have. True these insecurities come from trying to keep herself and the rest of the flock alive, but it isn't hard to see a bit of yourself in Max. Many of the chapter are first person in Max's point-of-view so you are naturally more attached to her then the rest of the flock, but Patterson has also made her so believable that it is as if you are her friend as well. I think all of us could be a bit more like Max, well minus The Voice in her head.
Fang is Max's right hand man, and the tall, dark, and handsome type. He doesn't talk a lot, but for any discussions Max goes to Fang. They trust each other with their lives and are a very dynamic duo. Fang also tries to protect Max as well from Ari and other dangers and acts as head when Max is gone. Fang is also an amazing fighter as well as caring of the rest of the flock. Patterson does a great job in making a person who talks very little have such a deep personality. I am personally kind of in love with Fang and is the leading male character that doesn't get annoying or whiny, just a comforting presences that is always there. 
Iggy is the third oldest of the flock, but has the disadvantage of being blind. The White Coats tried to enhance his vision and blinded him. Where he lacks in sight he makes up in hearing and sense of touch. He lets the flock know of approaching danger before they can hear it and can also make a bomb out of almost anything. Iggy has a good bit of angst of him, which at times can be rather annoying, but considering his life so far you can let him off the hook a little. 

Nudge is known for one thing, her ability to talk your ear off. She is a bright and happy eleven year old, but she also has all the vulnerability that cones with that age. She tries her best to act like Max, but her mouth almost works faster then her brain. She also becomes a vegetarian during the story which throws another quark into the flock since they burn a lot of calories fighting. Nudge also has a stubborn streak in her, which gets her and Fang in some trouble, but overall she is really likable. I think you understand her a bit more because we get a chapter or two from her point of view.  

Gasman is the elder brother of Angel and when you think of a cute young boy, Gazzy is really the picture you get. He is named because of unfortunate bodily functions, but his real power is being able to mimic almost any voice. He is only eight years, but with the constant threat to the flock he tries to act older. It really breaks your heart when he breaks down because he is such a cute and likable kid, but you really don't get very close to him. 
Angel is the youngest of the flock and by far the most annoying. Maybe it is just because she is a little kid and little kids are, in fact, annoying, but by the end of the book I honestly have this disliking for her. I mean I know that six year olds are supposed to be a little selfish and under the circumstances a little crankiness can be understood, but there is just something...I don't know. Also I don't think her character is portrayed really well, she doesn't seem any younger then Nudge in the way she talks so it is hard to remember that she is a six year old sometimes. 

Now their are a load of "bad guys" in this book that are just basically labeled Erasers and White Coats. Only a few are mentioned by name, Jeb Batchelder and his son turned Eraser Ari. Jeb was like a father to the flock and saved them from the School where they grew up in cages. However when he took the flock he left his son Ari alone at the lab and he becomes an Eraser, though it isn't specified if it is by choice or not. Most of the book is dealing with Jeb and his betrayal of the flock while Ari beats the crap out of them whenever he gets the chance. At the end of the book Max fights with Ari and kills him while trying to save herself. She feels horrible about it, but when Jeb screams that Ari was actually her brother she becomes even more confused.

*spoiler alert*
Alright now I am all for romance as much as the next girl, as I am sure you can tell from the other novels I have posted about, but can I just say that the kiss between Max and Fang literally came out of no where. If there was one major criticism I have about this book is that it seemed that James Patterson just threw in the romance at the last minute. Now I love and want Max and Fang together, but I think if he held off until the second novel to present it I wouldn't feel like it was so forced. This is my second time reading through it and all the parts where you could see maybe some romantic inclination could easily be seen as close friend who have spent their whole lives together. I just think that it could have been set up better, especially since it becomes one of the many running story lines through out the series.

Overall I love this series and I like this book. If you have someone who doesn't like to read, give them this. The chapters are short and their is constant action making it really quick to get through. It is also an easy read so really anyone can enjoy it. The characters are lovable and the dialogue believable on top of an extraordinary plot line that when you think about isn't really that far fetched. I give it a 4.7 out of 5. 

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