Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello World!

Hi there!
I am a freshman in college this year and thought it would be fun to start a blog to post all the things that happen to me and such (I have no idea if this will be exciting or not) I am not going to use the actual names of anyone just to make sure no one sues me in the future. Now on to the basics.....
I'm not going to tell you what school I attend except that it is in the city of Pittsburgh. 
I am an undeclared freshman student and I am female. I have two roommates...P.J. and Anna (not their names) So far I haven't really done much except move in and meet my roommate P.J. who seems pretty cool, though we are both a little socially awkward. I'm not overly out going so the whole meeting new people thing is going a little slow, but I think I'll get the hang of it. One thing I have learned in my short time here is that even if you stick a bunch of people who don't know each other in any social setting they will instantly form into small groups. If you are not in ones of these are screwed. I'm not really a group person so as you can guess I haven't made many friends yet, but it is still early. *thinking positive*

I'm not a total social outcast though. Both my brother and his girlfriend live right outside the city and they have basically adopted me now that I'm here. I already have a tooth brush at their apartment and they have suggested I leave clothes there. I feel like their collective girlfriend or pet dog...both sound really wrong, but whatever. I know a few kids here from my highschool and one girl that goes to a school nearby.

Another thing I learned today, no matter what time it is there are people walking around campus. This makes me feel a lot safer, but you won't see me strolling around at 3 in the morning by myself. Even with my maglight that could knock out a horse. My brother's girlfriend (who will be known as Taylor) bought it for that excat reason. "This is so you can beat off rapists" like I am going to be walking around with this gaint freaking flashlight whenever I go out. I guess it is the thought that counts...I guess. 

Well that is it for now I am going to read a bit (a favorite passtime of mine) then sleep (another favorite passtime)
Good night :)

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