Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to get students to attend stupid events and other fun facts

I got up in time this morning even with the late night *happy dance* though I was not the most pleasant person I wasn't a complete bitch either. We all staggered out of our rooms and to the basketball stadium to try and break a world record (which we did!) We were all having fun and then we had a rally for the upcoming football season and again it was really fun. That's when the did it, they already had us so the brought in speakers to tell us how important it was to get involved in stuff around campus for when you apply for a job. That was for an hour and we had been their since did not go over well with the students and by the end of it was all ran from the stadium.
I was thinking about taking a nap, but I want to get on a good schedule for when classes start on Monday so I decided to do this program all abut being safe while drinking blah, blah, blah...that we had to do online. I enrolled and got to the screen to start the course. I click start and...I was sent back to the home page. I did this FIVE times before I gave up. Everyone else could do it but me. I don't know if the University is trying to tell me something or what, but it was pissing me off. I asked my RA but she did know what to tell me she also said she didn't think it would be a big deal if I didn't do it. So I came back to the room and started to read "Plum Spooky" because those books make me happy. Lexus then came over and we had an adventure trying to get our mail boxes open and I got my books for class, well the required ones at least. I then ate at the dinning area for the first time. I'm a big girl now.

By being a big girl I also stalked boys for the first time, look at me growing up. Lexus and Honor (girls across the hall) have windows looking into the dorms across the way, which happen to be boys floors. A group of us sat and watched them for a good half hour. One group of said boys saw us and we had a pleasant little screaming conversation from window to window about what year we were. They were kinda tools, but it was still very funny. I swear to god this all girls dorm is turning me into a boy crazy freak. Like I want to hang out with someone who isn't giving off estrogen so bad I might puke.

I then went to a Luau that was being held by the university and chilled with my girls. No boys approached our group except Mike who is Anna's friend and also gay. He is a sweetheart though and I love him even though I've only known him for a few days. That's really how I feel about a lot of the people I am hanging out with. Lexus, Anna, Alexa, Sam, and everyone else on my awesome ass floor. That isn't saying we don't have Barbie dolls as my new friend Cassie says, but most of us are super chill. 

I got back to the room from playing cards at 1 figuring it would be an early night, but it was not to be. My best friend from high school who goes to a different college was on skype and decided to call me. I was talking to him till two once again before he went to do laundry (I thought it was an odd time) However the most exciting thing of the night was our first drunken story. After we had the assembly about being safe with drinking (see last post) this girl is in the lobby obviously wasted leaning over a trash can with another girl telling her to warn her before she pukes. This girl later gets carted away in an ambulance and we find out she took 10 shots as a freaking pregame. Anyone knows 10 shots in freaking main event material and covered by freaking ESPN. Now I'm not sure what happened to her, but it has lead us to a new nickname for our dorm. The drunk bitch dorm. We are pleasant little girls aren't we?

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