Sunday, June 26, 2011

Battle Royale - The Movie

So I finally got to see the movie of this epic book and I have to say that even though the movie was good, I prefer the book. Though that is usually how it works out is it? As what usually happens with movies made out of books the plot line needs to be simplified so it is more linear and shorter. However I missed the suspense of knowing what is going on all over the island and yelling at characters not to trust people you know are killers. The movie was great because you saw all the action acted out, but I missed the mind games. A part of me wants this to be made in the U.S. with Quentin Tarantino as the director because I think he would be able to make it epic. Oddly enough on of the characters, Takako Chigusa, was played by Chiaki Kuriyama who was in the first Kill Bill as Gogo Yubari. In both movies she plays a total badass. 
As for the other characters they all basically looked how I pictured them expect for Shogo Kawada, who was a lot hotter then I pictured him, and the program director who in the movie was named Kitano-sensei. Since Shogo was very close to being my favorite male character in the book I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was so good looking and the same was true with Hiroki Sugimura who was my favorite.  

*It was hard to find a good picture of Shogo, but watch the movie he is sexy*

The only thing that really annoyed me was how freaking whiny Shuya was. It seemed like every three seconds he was crying about one thing or another, which wasn't how he was in the book. Also they really played down how horrible the government was as well as how important Rock and Roll was to Shuya so I was a little disappointing about that. However Noriko was just as awesome in both, calm, quiet, and strong.
Overall the movie is extremly entertaining and though it differs from the book it is still close enough to capture the book lovers as well as have a storyline of its own. I didn't know how I felt about not having the program director be a complete and utter bastard, but in the end I liked it because it added something new to the story line. I would give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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