Thursday, June 23, 2011

Doctor Who Series 1 - Fantastic

So I have just finished the first series of Doctor Who for the second time and it is, in a word, fantastic! My aunt was the one who really got me into Doctor Who and I am very glad she did. It is the perfect mixture of humor, action and drama for me and every episode brings a mix of emotions. It just added to the list of impossible things that I want to happen, like my letter from Hogwarts, the TARDIS and the Doctor appearing out of nowhere and going traveling with him. There is just something about seeing the past, present, and future that appeals so much to me, and obviously to thousands of other people. 
Now the 9th doctor Christopher Eccleston actually had to grow on me. My aunt is a huge fan of David Tennant, who it the 10th doctor, so to see someone who wasn't him playing the doctor was a bit weird, but I ended up loving him. He is smart, sweet, bad ass, and totally fits his catch phrase, fantastic. 
Rose took some time to grow on me as well, at first I found her annoying. The first episode almost made me stop watching, but slowly she grew on me. I think Billie Pipper is beautiful and her voice is wonderful, I am going to be sad when she is no longer with the doctor, but I have heard wonderful things about the other companions. I also loved almost all of the outfits that they put her in, I want the TARDIS wardrobe please and thank you. Her relationship with Mickey was kind of annoying as well, I was never convinced that she was in love with him, but Mickey and the doctors back and forth was wonderful. 
And then there is Captain Jack Harkness, who is kind of sex on legs and will have sex with anything that has legs...maybe if they don't depending. I love his character and I am so excited to see that he appears through out the other series as well as Torchwood, which I might watch. He also shows up in my favorite episodes in the first series. 
"Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" are my favorite episodes, well "The Doctor Dances" is my favorite but it is a continuation of "Empty Child". I have always been interested in World War II which is the time period that it is set. Just everything about it I love, and yes the first episode is creepy as anything with scary children, but it has a happy ending and I am all about happy endings. It also had my favorite line after "fantastic", which is "Just this once, everybody loves!" 
*****SPOILER ALERT******
I guess I should have done this before, but if you don't want to know the end don't read further
The first series is wonderful, the last episode made me bawl like the teenage girl I am and I didn't want to see him go. I was so happy when they finally kissed, but I knew it was the end so it was so bitter sweet and lovely. I have no idea what I am going to do for the end of the other series, I might need to buy tissues in bulk.  Doctor Who is a wonderful series and really does have something for everyone. I highly recommend it even if you don't like Science Fiction television shows.

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