Monday, August 29, 2011


So I had my first Statistics lecture today, which was oddly enough in the same lecture hall I had my Vampire class, and the verdict is still out. The Professor seems pretty cool, actually I would probably be a lot like him if I was a professor, and it is either his first year with the University or his first year as a professor. I couldn't really make out which. Either way he seems really cool and down to earth and if I do have problems, unlike with my Trig professor, I feel like I can go and talk to him. I mean when he uses the phrase gobbledygook to describe something how bad can he be? He wants us to call him Jason, but I always find it weird calling my professors by their first name so if I ever talk to him hopefully names are not necessary.

Since I basically took this course in high school (AP Stats whoop whoop) I am not overly worried about this course, but there does seem to be a lot of work so I hope I can keep up. I am worried because I am missing one lecture because I am going to Dragon*Con again this year, but it is the beginning of the year so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. The kid who sat in front of me had really pretty blue eyes, but his hair was gelled to look like he just got out of bed, but he was still cute. I also chatted with a boy named Ben who lives on the 10th floor of my building in the elevator.

Plans for the rest of the day are to get everything ready for tomorrow, go get my work study papers, have lunch with my brother, and then do something productive like go get those last few books I need to read ahead in Stats.

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