Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Maybe it is because I am one of those stupid 90's kids who think that nothing is ever going to be as good as my childhood was, but I had low expectations for Tangled when I went to see it in theaters. I'll admit that I had lost a little faith in the magic of Disney movies, but this movie soon destroyed all expectations I had in it and made me believe in animated movies once again. How could you make Rapunzel interesting to someone who has seen it a thousand different times a thousand different ways? Yet Disney used humor, a wonderful cast of characters, and a dash of good old Disney charm to make this one of the best children's movies I have seen in a very long time. Going back and rewatching it has only added, in my eyes, to how good it is because I still love it. 

I love Flynn Rider as well. Maybe it is because he reminds me of an old friend of mine or because he is the type of guy that I would probably date, but I seriously love him. Even though he doesn't want to take Rapunzel to see the lanterns he is still rather sweet to her even as he tried to trick her back to the tower. Then when he actually starts to like her *sigh* so cute! It might be the same old song and dance, but something about it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Also the end when he cuts her hair, I don't know but I really wasn't expecting that the first time I watched it. I need a man like Flynn Rider in my life. He is a mix between Aladdin and d'artagnan from the three musketeers.

Something that I thought was done extremely well was making the wicked witch, that is what I am going to call her, at the beginning of the movie like how every teenage girl sees her mother. She knows she loves her, but no teenage girl thinks that their mother ever lets them do anything fun. Now I could use my Russian Fairy Tales course and go into the whole psychological thing about why this is in fairy tales, but I will save you the lecture and just tell you that it was well done by Disney, and usually is.  
Pascal is the best! I never thought I would love a reptile as much as I love that little chameleon. Now I know he isn't really original, every Disney princess has an adorable animal sidekick, but there was something about him that I adored. Maybe it was because he didn't talk like the others, I don't know, but he was easily my favorite character in the movie. He is just such a bad ass and always looking out for Rapunzel. Also I loved Maximum. Again Disney is known for its animal sidekicks, but there was something about Max that was different. Maybe it was the fact that he was a horse that acted like a dog, I really don't know. 

Overall I thought the movie was beautiful. The animation was absolutely breathtaking, especially the lantern scene. The frying pans throughout the movie was amazing and I loved the thugs as well. The songs weren't as strong as other Disney movies, at least I thought so, but they were still nice. The flower song to make her hair glow I find extremely catchy. It will be stuck in my head for days. I liked that Disney added its own twist to the Rapunzel tale, though I admit I don't really know the original fairy tale all that well. I give the movie a 4.4 out of 5 mostly because of the lack of memorable songs. 

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