Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's getting hot in here

So like any normal person I was going to sleep in on a Saturday morning, but a girl on the seventh floor of my dorm had other plans. Around 9:30 this siren whoop went off. I closed my eyes and hoped that it was just something outside my window or a mistake, but nope, it came again. Then this creepy ass male voice came over the loud speakers (which I didn't even know we had) and told us that there was an emergency and we all had to leave the building.

I thought it was a drill so I rolled out of bed, grabbed my key for the room and a hoddie before stuffing my feet into my shoes. I followed everyone else out, but we all stood right outside the building figuring they would let us back in. That's when I heard a group of girls talking about smoke coming out of the door across the hall. As they pushed us away from the building we got to see the other side of the building and sure enough smoke was pouring out of a window. As I listened to other girls talk the girl who lived in that room had left so she didn't even know what was happening. Of course a bunch of girls had their cell phones so the news travled fast.

We waited for at least fifteen minutes before any fire personal showed up and the first one to arive was a SUV. Finally three other trucks showed up, but if it was a stronger blaze (I still don't know what exactly happened) the whole building would have went up.

At this point I remembered where the sprinklers were in my room, right over my bed and right over my desk. On the top of my desk were all of my text books and my favorite series of books. By my bed was my laptop, phone, mp3 player, and sock monkey. I was going to be so pissed if they went off not to mention that I would screwed for the rest of the semester.

After waiting outside for about an hour and a half to two hours they finally started to let us back in, but only on one side of the building. They were checking everyone in and if you had a guest you had to sign them in. Now some girls were in the shower when it happened and obviously didn't have their key, but lived in the building. They made them wait till someone else went up and got their key! I thought it was all a bit ridculous. Nothing in my room was damaged, but the hall around the elevator was covered in water and one of my friend's books got ruined because they were by the window and the water ran down the wall.

So I survived the fire and we are talking about making shirts :) It also got me up and out of bed, but I am still not getting anything productive done. Oh, well I guess I can blame it on my near death experiance ;)

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