Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dragon*Con 2011

I know this is extremely late, but with catching up on school work and then becoming sick I haven't had the time or energy to write this out. Because it is so late I know I am going to forget something, but here is a rather quick rundown of my weekend.
*Photo taken by a line buddy that I made waiting for this panel, Caren*
I had no idea there was even going to be a Boondock Saints panel until I was flipping through the program guide Thursday night. It was really the only thing that I wanted to go see on Friday (if I couldn't get in to see Tom Felton) so I decided to go just for the hell of it. I made some really awesome friends in line (all the pictured featured are from one of them) It was really one of the most fun and down to earth panels I have ever been to. Both Norm and Sean where fun and I think if they could they would have gotten off the stage and come down to hang out with us. A man in the audience gave both of them as well as the moderator Jameson. It was just a lot of fun and then I went back to the dealers room to earn my registration.
*picture taken by a extremely nice person I met in line with a much better camera then I do, Caren*
On Saturday I went to see Misha Collins. After a much of line aggravation I got in to see him and I am so glad that I waited. Misha Collins is extremely hilarious and I kind of want him to be my best friend. His panel was so entertaining and he was really a very down to earth guy. At one point during the panel the fire alarm went off and none of us really moved. Misha made sure everything was alright and we could stay before assuring us that since he was god we were all going to heaven if we did burn to death in a fire. I have started following him on twitter haven't regretted it for a minute. I can not imagine what it would be like to be on set with him, Jensen, and Jared. I would probably not be able to work with them because I would laugh during every scene. Misha is also extremely good looking and has a very nice voice. I really want to go to a Supernatural Con now just to get to see Jensen and Jared as well.

I also went to a puppet slam on Saturday night, which was fun, but not exactly what I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be much more offensive and more audience interaction, but it was still well done. It was also the first year that one was put on so maybe in the following years it will be better.
*this one was taken by me, see the difference XD*
Sunday morning I woke up early to go wait in line for quite some time to see the lovely Tom Felton. The people I was in line for were nice to talk with and made the time go by rather fast, we were discussing Doctor Who, so it wasn't all that bad. He is one of the sweetest people I have ever heard speak. It is so obvious that being in Harry Potter, or any other movie, has in no way has gone to his head. I never really thought about him before, but after hearing him talk and interact with his fans he quickly climbed far up in my esteem (not that my esteem counts for much) and I also follow him on twitter. He greeted everyone who came up to ask him a question and after each question was answered he said "Thank you lovely". I am not a hardcore Harry Potter fan so I didn't know if I deserved to go, but I am so glad I did.

Those were just the panels and other events I went to. I also went to the parade on Saturday morning as well as went to look at costumes on a few of the nights. I bought three Supernatural necklaces (one of which I have lost) a Supernatural poster and Usa-chan from Ouran High School Host Club. We also ate at the same restaurant every night and the one waiter was super attractive. I spent an obnoxious amount of time in the airport on the way home (5:30 until 8:40) then flew back to Pittsburgh and went to my last two classes of the day. As always it was the most amazing weekend and totally worth missing a few days of classes.

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