Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sherlock - The Blind Banker

Alright so I seem to have caught up enough in my class work to take an hour and a half off to watch another episode of Sherlock. After the first episode I have very high expectations for this one and it very much fulfilled them. With in the first five minutes I knew I was not going to be disappointed. The whole scene with Sherlock fighting the man with the sword while John was out doing the shopping was wonderful. I also loved that shift in the "crime element" that Sherlock and John were hunting down. Also with only having three episodes in a series I think they did a wonderful job of developing the characters.

My love for the adorable awkwardness that is Sherlock in this series was magnified quite a lot in this episode. When he is bouncing around the bank office like a little child while all the workers watched was rather adorable.  Then when he pretending to be the neighbor downstairs I wanted to tackle him it was so cute. I will try to keep my Sherlock fangirling to a minimum, but at times he is really too much cute to handle. Stepping away from that Sherlock was a lot more angry and short in this episode then in the last one. He was also a good deal more manipulating, but dear god did he make that all black outfit look good. We also see that Sherlock isn't just the brains, but he is more then able to handle himself in a fight, which is sometimes forgotten in adaptations. We also get a little more into his back story, just a bit, when Sebastian talks about them at university.

John was also changed just enough in this episode. He has gotten over how brilliant Sherlock is and is starting to get a little fed up with him. Especially when John gets in trouble with the spray paint we can see and when Sherlock doesn't let him into the apartments, that his patience with Sherlock is wearing a bit thin. The fact that neither of them have jobs is also addressed in this episode, it bothering John more then it is bother Sherlock, which gives me high hopes that it is going to be on for a long time. I also love John and Sarah's interaction as well, it really showed that unlike Sherlock he wants romantic interaction and a somewhat normal life.

As for the actual case, if you haven't watched it yet skip this paragraph, was extremely interesting to me. It focused a lot more on Sherlock's brain power, but also that even he needs a little help to solve his cases. It was also a far more reaching case then the Cabbie Killer in the first series to a complete organization. Also working with the new Detective Inspector made Sherlock assert himself, which caused him to be more harsh then usual. From taking detective fiction I know that the little cases, the murders, are locked room cases. These were a favorite of Sir Arthur Conan Dole so I was glad that they were featured so early in the series. A weird thing I noticed was that John is always the only one who eats when him and John are out.

Overall I loved this episode. It had a lot more danger, I felt, then the first one. Also even though we know who the culprit was quite a bit before the end of the episode I didn't feel at all disappointed. I really did enjoy the part with the tea pots and the museum as well as the cipher. Everything was well done and I can't wait to have a bit of time to watch the last episode.  

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