Thursday, September 8, 2011

World Literature In English

I could tell from the very beginning of the first day that this was going to be one of "those" classes. You know the ones that are frustrating to no end, yet you feel as if  you are learning nothing. Then it comes time to write a paper and you are looking at the blank document completely lost about what you are supposed to write about. Yeah it is totally one of those. The professor seems nice enough, but she is scatter brained as well as unorganized and I feel as if she spends half the class repeating herself, yet not making it so we can understand. She has a strict absent policy so it isn't even like I can save myself the headache some days and not go. Sometimes I do get some great information about the book, but most of the time it is the Professor talking in circles. There is no or little eye candy either so it really is a depressing prospect to go to that class everyday. Good thing it is a requirement for General Studies or I would really think about dropping it. I also spent way too much money on books to drop the dumb course.

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