Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sherlock - The Great Game

I have finally found the time to sit down and watch the final episode from the first season of Sherlock, if you don't count the unaired pilot.
I am glad that it I didn't get into the series right away so I don't have as long to wait for the new episodes, but at the same time why are there only three episodes in a series? I find that cruel and unusual punishment. The Great Game is the first time that Sherlock and Moriarty battle wits that Sherlock is actually aware of. Moriarty straps bombs to innocent people and then sends Sherlock off to solve cases that the police aren't even looking at. Sherlock only has so many hours before the bomb goes off to solve the puzzle. Sherlock solves all the cases, but when an old blind woman tries to tell Sherlock about Moriarty she gets killed. It is a rather fast paced episode because so many cases are solved. 

Sherlock in the beginning of this episode was absolutely brilliant and even though I have never heard of Benedict Cumberbatch before this series I am madly in love with him. He is a brilliant actor and plays the role wonderfully. When he is playing the grammar police against the inmate at the very beginning I couldn't stop laughing and then when he didn't know the solar system I was laughing to hard I was shaking. It also shows that Sherlock doesn't know everything, which is a different view of him from the perfect model we see in a lot of other adaptations. I loved the fact that John keeps making fun of him for not knowing about the solar system. Sherlock also shows a large range of emotions in this episode, one of which being sadness when the old woman is killed, and fear when John is strapped to the bomb. It shows that there is a lot of depth and heart to Sherlock even though not a lot of people think so. 

John again grew to be a lot less of a push over at the same time as being a helpmate to Sherlock. He gets upset with Sherlock, yet at the same time realizes that his mind does not work like the rest of us. He runs the social side of the case, talking to Lestrade when Sherlock refuses and anyone else that they come into contact with. In this episode we see John slowly falling into the role that he played in the original series. However he still is not the fat doctor that follows Sherlock around like a lost puppy. John works the missile case by himself, or so he thinks, and comes to conclusions about it. Even though he is wrong it shows that Sherlock is influencing and teaching John just as much as John is influencing and teaching him. Though I am not smitten with John the way I am Sherlock I love him dearly. 
*I did not make this gif credit to maker in bottom right corner*
I would also like to take this time to admit that I have a slight crush on Moriarty. I know I am not the only one so stop making those faces at your screen. At first I thought his voice was odd, but then I realized he was doing that on purpose and after he dropped it I was rather taken with him. I mean he is an evil genius and kills people, but I always like a man with a lot of personality and character. If I liked Sherlock though I was bound to like Moriarty since he is his opposite. He wasn't what I expected at all however I was pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to see him appear again in the second series. 

The only problem I had with the episode was the man standing on the same street corner, in the same place for all those hours and no one taking notice. I mean honestly a normal person maybe not, but didn't police notice this poor guy crying and standing in the same spot? The one in the car was understandable, as was the old lady in her house, but that one rang false. Also the cliff hanger ending really isn't a cliff hanger because we know he comes back for a second series so Sherlock and John can't die. Was I upset that it ended there, of course, but I am not fearing for John and Sherlock's life. Overall I give this episode a 5 out of 5 because it was extremely witty and wonderful and Lestrade was back (I have a soft spot for him)

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