Thursday, October 13, 2011

World Literature In English = UGH!

Alright so I took this class to fulfill a requirement for something, a major or general education I can't remember, and I really am starting to wish I hadn't. I hate the books we are reading, the professor is a nice lady but I hate her teaching style, and I am pulling a solid B- in the class because I never have any idea what she wants us to write about in our papers which is the only thing we are graded on. I am just so frustrated with it and yet there is nothing I can do. I can't talk to her because she seems very set in her thinking and refuses to bend not to mention she kind of annoys me. It isn't a hard class, but I am going to get a mediocre grade in it because of the unclear nature of the essays. People have even asked her to clarify, but it doesn't make any more sense. *sigh* that's college I guess.

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