Friday, October 14, 2011

Supernatural Season 1

This is the second or third time I have rewatched the first season and it is still freaking awesome. I can't even put into words how brilliant I think the writers are and the acting is wonderful. Of course is always help to have two sexy leads, but even if they weren't drop dead gorgeous I think the show would still work. Now I am a giant baby when is comes to horror movies and I admit that some of the episodes scared me, but this show has just the right balance of humor and creepy that is should work for almost anyone. However if you are like me I suggest not watching it for the first time at night, with the lights off, home alone. 

To put the show into a sentence it is two brothers who hunt demons. However there is a lot of internal and external conflict between the brothers as well as they father who they are searching for most of the first season. You learn more about each brother as well as their childhood as the series goes on, but the first season is both of the brothers getting to know each other again after being apart for the four years Sam was away at college. It would take far to long to go into each episode so I will just highlight my favorite and least favorite after a few character introductions   
Sam Winchester is my favorite of the Winchester boys, but what can I say I have always had a thing for the nerdy ones. Sam is 22 when the series starts and reluctant to go back out hunting because he is trying to have a normal life. However after the same demon that kills his mother also kills his girlfriend Sam goes with Dean to find their father and kill this demon once and for all. Throughout the first season we get to see Sam and his difficult relationship with his father as well as Dean, but we also see how much he loves both of them. A lot of people don't like Sam, but I think he is a lot easier to relate to then Dean at the very beginning. Maybe it is just because I have always thought Jared Padalecki was drop dead sexy, but if you had a normal life with a woman that you were thinking about marrying why would you want to go out hunting for things that went bump in the night? As the season progresses Sam develops a kind if psychic ability in which he as visions that come true. I love Sam's character and he kind of reminds me of myself when I get together with my older brother.
Dean Winchester reminds me a lot of the people I usually have as my best guy friends as well as my own older brother. Flirty, smart ass, yet deep down really good guys. He is 26 at the beginning of the series, but it's Sam who is the serious one. Dean is all badass, great lines, and a whole lot of mess up your day attitude. I love Dean so much and even though he isn't my favorite brother I get a lot more emotional when Dean gets angry or tears up then when Sam does. Dean is trying to hold everything together when it just wants to fall apart and I love him for that. I also can't handle how much he loves his dad and Sam, he is always saving him and looking out for him even when Sam doesn't know or appreciate it. I wish I could put Dean into a more clear statement, but I can't. He is a very believable character in a series that is about hunting demons which is saying a lot.  
My favorite episode has to be, and this was a very tough choice, has to be Hell House. The playfulness between the brothers, the Ghostfacers, everything was really well done. The fact that the brothers are playing pranks each other through out the episode already gave it a fun and up beat feel, but then you add the two dorks trying to do paranormal investigation and it is just amazing. Also the creature in this episode is a really interesting thought about being created just because people believed it was real. It was one of the 'lighter' episodes of the season and even though a lot of other episodes came really close (Something Wicked being the runner up) this has to be my favorite episode. Not to mention there is Sam in only a towel, what isn't there to like?
My least favorite episode is, again very hard choice, has to be Faith. Now before you take me out behind a building and beat me, let me explain. The reaper is one of my all time favorite creatures, I mean he is totally badass and the whole idea of the episode is awesome. However the whole dynamic between Dean and Layla makes me so sad. She is such a good person and she can't be healed because Dean and Sam have to stop the reaper. The end of the episode made me tear up the first time I watched it. I like the episode, but the awkward confrontations with Layla's mom and the overall sad tone of the episode make it my least favorite. 

Now let me just say that every time I get to the last episode of the first season I go "OMG WHAT THE HELL! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! WHAT HAPPENS! WHY?!?!" even though I know perfectly well what happens next. It is by far the most aggravating ending to a season I have yet to come across in all of my TV show experience. I really can't say enough about this show and I am pretty sure I am going to bawl my eyes out when it actually finishes. Rating of 5 out of 5 for sure. 

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