Friday, November 12, 2010

Next Semester Is Not Going To Be Fun

So I recently scheduled for next semester and let me tell you it is going to be a battle the entire way. It isn't because I am taking difficult classes, but I have to be at class by either 9 or 10 everyday. I am not a morning person, at all, so this is going to be rough. To make it even better on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have math for a solid two hours in the morning. *sigh* Other then that however my classes sound like they are going to be a lot of fun. I am taking two literature classes and an intro to fiction writing class.

Now why am I posting this sweet little blog entry? Well because I have noticed that I have been telling you nothing about my college life, but about the shows I am watching. True I love commenting on these shows, but it really isn't telling you anything about my life, except that it is pathetic and I have nothing better to do then watch these shows. *sigh* The fact that I just realized this is even more depressing.

SO! What have I been up to? Well I have been reading my little butt off from my freshman seminar and composition, but it is nothing worth mentioning. I am passing all of my classes and as far as I know I am going to get fairly high grades in them all. I have a math exam at 3 today that I should be cramming for right now, but I thought this would be a good break from studying. Russian Fairy Tales is still both interesting and ruining my childhood. We just finished Snow White: Tale Of Terror, which was surprisingly good. I will probably make a post of it after I watch it on my own time because it was a bit hard to watch with about 100 other people. I have just taken my Women and Literature midterm, so i will tell you how that goes when I know. 

I have also started to learn Korean through online lessons on I can know say hello and thank you, but I have no idea how to write in Korean. That seems like it might be the hardest part. I will keep you updated. I have also started to talking to someone from Preu, Germany, and Australia from this online pen pal site. There are some creeps to be sure, but most of the people I talk to are really nice and sweet.

Well that is a pretty good update I think. I have started watching a few more TV shows (or rewatching as the case maybe) so I will be posting again soon :)

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