Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who got an A? I got an A :)

So I had I just got the grades back from my Russian Fairy Tale exam and my Math exam and guess what....I got an A on both :) I had a 95% on my math exam *happy dance/fist pump/every other happy gesture* What is even better then that is the material we are covering now I remember from high school so it should be super easy. Let's just hope not a lot of stuff from the first test is on the final and I will ace it :)

As for Russian Fairy Tales, I really had no idea how I did on the test because a lot of the multiple choice questions could have been two answers and for the essay I forgot the names of all the feminist theorist we discussed, but I got a 91% overall and a 14.55 out of 15 on the essay! I also heard that this exam was the hardest one we are going to take, mean the last exam should be a piece of cake. So excited.

I still haven't heard back about my Women and Lit midterm because I kinda skipped class today. Okay, so I went to class, but my professor was 15 minutes late so we took a class vote and we all voted to leave. I feel a quiz coming up next class because my professor is probably going to be pissed that we left, but she is always late. She was 15 minutes late for our midterm and then made us leave 5 minutes early. We deserved a day I think and I have already read the "The Yellow Wallpaper" once so it should be a piece of cake. (If you haven't read "The Yellow Wallpaper" I recommend it. It is a short story and it will really mess with your mind.

Well I just had to share my happy news with you :)

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