Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Present From College

I always thought that it was a little mean to have grades come out 2 days before Christmas eve, but this semester it will not be a blue Christmas. I finished this semester with a 3.703 GPA with one B, two A-, and two A's. It could be worse, especially since the class I got the B in my professor pregamed before lecture. She was entertaining and knew, for the most part, what she was talking about, but was just odd. She also enjoyed swearing...a lot and could never walk in a straight line. We also only had four grades in that class. one quiz, midterm, one paper, and the final. I will take getting away with a B in that class.

I also got an A in math *happy dance* *fist pump* After getting a 77 on my first exam I was worried about that class, but working my ass off on all the online homework problems and rocking out on the second exam and the quizzes really helped me. If I didn't get an A in that class I should have been shot though since it was the third time I have taken Algebra. What was scary was that fact that there was a lot of stuff I had never done before. Next semester we are going to tackle a math I have never taken before, Trigonometry. I can't wait *eye roll

I am so excited for the rocking GPA. It has to be the best Christmas gift....well minus a few hockey players, KPop singers, actors, and other pieces of man meat that I want to see under my tree. Let's say it is the best gift that the university could have given me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

House M.D.

Alright so something I have done this semester while battling my way through my math homework, a final I should be studying for right now, is rewatch the first season of House which I own on DVD. I forgot how much I like this show until I came back to it. I stopped watching when they got rid of the original cast of Chase, Cameron and Foreman and started having the competition to see who the next team would be (I think it was the third or fourth season). Now I know that Chase and Foreman are back, but I can't just jump back into the series since I have missed so much. If it is an instant watch on Netflix I might try to get caught up.
ANYWAY, like I was saying the first season was absolutely amazing even though I have watched all of these episodes before. I never get old of House, maybe because he reminds me of my brother, or looking at Chase. Now I don't know why I liked him so much the first time I watched this series because he is a bit whinny and a backstabber in this season. I won't give any details just in case you haven't watched it yet (GO WATCH IT), but I have a soft spot for Chase. It might have something to do with the fact that he has an Australian accent and is extremely good looking....just maybe. 

My favorite character however has to be House's best friend Wilson. Why you ask, well because that is who I am in friendships. I am the person that does everything possible for the other person and 9 times out of 10 gets walked all over. Wilson is also as witty as House, but also a nice guy. I really just like his personality and the way House and Wilson interact with each other. He is the only person House is close to in this season and it lets you see a softer side of House.  

Overall rewatching the first season has pulled me back into liking House and trying once again to watch the series. I just checked and it isn't an instant watch, but that is why there is an Internet full of illegally copied episodes for me to watch...not that I would ever do that. Now I am going back to studying for my math excited.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ouran High Host Club

Ouran High Host Club is one or the weirdest, childish, ridiculous, and absolutely amazing animes and mangas I have watched and or read. If you want something serious this is not for you. It is also aimed towards girls, but I think guys could watch it just for the amazing ridiculousness of it. I love the heroine Haruhi Fujioka because she isn't your typical heroine. She is strong and smart, but she also has strong opinions and a strong love for fancy tuna. She also says what's on her mind even if it isn't exactly what goes with what the "rich kids" think. Now Haruhi is mistaken for a male the first time she meets the club and Tamaki Suoh, the club king, makes her join the club as its dog. The club after the first episode finds out she is a female, but want her to stay with the club. Haruhi hides the fact that she is a female from everyone because if she is found out she would no longer be able to be a host. Of course many members of the club fall head over heels for her as well as a few students who find out the truth. 


The Hitachiin twins have to be the most ridiculous, but also I have to say my favorites. It might just be me personally because I usually have a special place for twins. The Weasley twins were my favorite characters in the Harry Potter books and movies (And I got to meet them!) Hikaru and Kaoru aren't just your average mischievous twins however, their characters are actually developed, more so in the manga, but the anime does an alright job as well. They become two separate characters and you fall in love with them.

I especially love Honey and Mori sempi. They are the wisest as well as the most entertaining of the group. Honey with his stuffed bunny Usa-chan instantly became my brother's girlfriend and my brother from the first episode. He is just too adorable not to love as well as Usa-chan. If they were all real characters however I would either date Mori or Kyouya. Mori takes care of Honey and is the strong and silent type while, Kyouya is the brains of the operation and unlike the rest of the characters is serious and mature. And then there is can't really sum him up, but you will either love him or hate him.

You fall in love with all the the hosts and the weird people that enter their club. You learn about why each member acts the way they do and how being rich does not mean that you have a happy ever after. Though it is cute and sweet, but it also deals with deeper issues. Now the manga is a lot better and deeper then the anime and the ending is a lot better. You can tell that the anime needed a way to tie up the series, but the ending of the anime was not what I wanted it to be.

Overall I would give it four out of five stars and recommend it :) I don't know if they can make a live action version, but they should defiantly try.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Midsummer Night's Dream

I am sure that anyone reading this blog as either read, seen an adaption, or at least heard of Shakespeare's play. For my freshman seminar class I had to go to a cultural event and one of the options was A Midsummer Night's Dream put on by Carnegie Mellon Drama School and it was AWESOME! They took the tale and though they didn't move the location or change any of the script made it a modern day telling. It is hard to explain if you didn't see it but let me tell you that an Ipad and a segway were used during the production.

I wonder if someone had an Ipad and a segway or if they budgeted for it? How exactly would you explain that one to the person who looks over the accounts. "Yes we need these two items for our production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yes I mean the segway, Puck is going to use it" I wonder how long it took them to convince the people upstairs about that one. 

All the characters were very well cast and so many little things were thrown in here and there that it wasn't the same old retelling of the play. I really enjoyed everything, except I wasn't really a fan of Titania's outfit. It was very pretty, but wasn't exactly what I would but the Queen of the Fairies in. Especially when Oberon was wearing this totally BA red floor length jacket the plain white dress really wasn't doing it for me.
I also give them a huge round of applause for actually having a pool of water on stage. I don't know how they did it or what it took to get it there, but it added so much to the play. Also the lifts that were used for the fairies to get on and off stage were also amazing. Way to go stage crew you guys were AWESOME! I also loved how the actors used the whole auditorium and not just the stage so you felt as if you were part of the performance.

Overall it was an awesome performance and I wish all the actors the best of luck as they move forward with their careers whatever they may be ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who got an A? I got an A :)

So I had I just got the grades back from my Russian Fairy Tale exam and my Math exam and guess what....I got an A on both :) I had a 95% on my math exam *happy dance/fist pump/every other happy gesture* What is even better then that is the material we are covering now I remember from high school so it should be super easy. Let's just hope not a lot of stuff from the first test is on the final and I will ace it :)

As for Russian Fairy Tales, I really had no idea how I did on the test because a lot of the multiple choice questions could have been two answers and for the essay I forgot the names of all the feminist theorist we discussed, but I got a 91% overall and a 14.55 out of 15 on the essay! I also heard that this exam was the hardest one we are going to take, mean the last exam should be a piece of cake. So excited.

I still haven't heard back about my Women and Lit midterm because I kinda skipped class today. Okay, so I went to class, but my professor was 15 minutes late so we took a class vote and we all voted to leave. I feel a quiz coming up next class because my professor is probably going to be pissed that we left, but she is always late. She was 15 minutes late for our midterm and then made us leave 5 minutes early. We deserved a day I think and I have already read the "The Yellow Wallpaper" once so it should be a piece of cake. (If you haven't read "The Yellow Wallpaper" I recommend it. It is a short story and it will really mess with your mind.

Well I just had to share my happy news with you :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Snow White: A Tale of Terror

Alright so I really wanted to watch the movie again and let me tell you, so much better when you can clearly see and hear everything that is going on. Now it is a made for TV movie, so it isn't the highest class of film, but I think it is pretty well done. There are some rather big name actors in it as well. Sam Neill, the hero in Jurassic Park, is Lord Hoffman, Lilliana (or Snow White's) father. Sigourney Weaver, the heroine from Alien, plays the evil stepmother, and does a damn good job of it. David Conrad, the husband in ghost whisperer (and born in Pittsburgh :) plays Doctor Gutenburgh who during most of the movie is the Prince Charming character, but there is a twist in this tale.

The first thing that I love about this story is that it follows the Grimm brothers' version of the tale, which is much more violent then the tale we all know and love by Walt Disney. You understand this with in the first couple moments of the film where we see a man torn to shreds by wolves and Lord Hoffman kill his wife to save his child. After the first couple of minutes I was hooked just to see what else they were going to do to the characters that would make little kids cry if they watched it.

We also get to see the development of the wicked stepmother Claudia as Lilli grows up. Now I have to admit that if little Lilli acted like that to me I would beat the little brat, but Lilli's actions as a child are somewhat understandable. She feels as if her father is replacing her mother with this new woman, as I am sure many young children do. My parent's are still together so I can't give any personal knowledge, but it is what I have heard and seen. Also I would never marry a noble man or prince for the simple reason that everyone watches you have sex for the first time. Most people don't even want to see themselves have sex let alone have a whole crowd. I mean how did they think this was a good idea? Hello, stage fright anyone?

Next thing you know it is nine years later and Lilli is all grown up into a whinny little teenager who still dislikes her step mom, but has a major crush on Peter Gutenburgh (don't blame her). Claudia is also about to give birth and we get the first hint that she is a little off kilter. Well that and she owns a mirror that kills Lilli's nanny, but hey we all have one of those stashed somewhere. Claudia talks about casting runes and such waiting for her baby to be born and Lord Hoffman, who is very religious, prays to have a boy. Anyway Claudia and Lilli have a bit of a verbal battle over the dress Lilli is going to wear to the ball being thrown. Lilli basically tells Claudia to shove it, wears one of her mothers dresses, makes Claudia extremely jealous and Claudia goes into labor. her baby boy is stillborn and this is where Claudia jumps off the deep end, in her grief she blames Lilli for her baby's death.

As anyone who knows the tale should guess the next thing to happen is someone tries to kill Lilli. In this version it is Claudia's brother after Peter proposes to Lilli. Lilli kicks her would be assassin where the sun don't shine and high tales it into the woods where she stumbles into an abandoned house and falls asleep. And here appears our "seven dwarfs" though they are far from the cute little guys we have come to love. All are grown men who are hiding from the world either because they are hunted or because they are deformed. They do not treat Lilli kindly, except one, Will. Lilli almost gets rapped by one of the dwarfs, but Will stops him and then we get into the whole witch tries to kill Snow White twice and fails routine. After all that (Will saves Lilli every time, though two of his friends die in the process) Lilli and Will are in love, which makes you wonder, what is going to happen to the good doctor. Oh just wait. 

While Lilli is trying not to get crushed, rapped or a bunch of other unpleasant things Claudia seduces Peter, though I have to say she didn't have to try very hard. Now I can't really blame Claudia for making out with Doctor Gutenburgh. Any woman who turns down David Conrad obviously is blind as well as insane, and Claudia is only one of those things, but I can say something about his taste. Now I am not saying Claudia is not pretty, but she is married and her daughter is hot and single. Really doctor?

Any who I am not going to tell you the rest, if I have gotten your attention you can go and watch the full movie on youtube. There are a few different people who have is posted. I am just going to make one or two more comments. The first on is *drum roll* the only part of the movie that I found overly dramatic is the scene where Claudia "steals the father's seed". Like really is that whole thing needed? She couldn't just go in there and have it implied we had to see that whole awkward scene (imagine that with a room full of college kids). Another is that there is a lot of things I did not pick up on the first time I watched the movie, like Claudia wrecking the saint statues, so keep an open eye and you will get a lot more out of it.

I wasn't really a giant fan of the ending because Lilli and Will don't have this huge romantic moment (they really didn't the whole movie) and you don't find out what happens.Oh and David Conrad gets pushed out of a window! I mean I knew he wasn't going to be Prince Charming, but what a waste! And then there are the lingering questions. Do Lilli and Will get married and bring the other "dwarfs" to live with them? Does her father even live? I need answers people! This is the reason that I adore Disney movies. You always know it is going to be a happily ever after with the princess marrying the prince and living together at their castle. None of this symbolism crap that you are just supposed to pick up on.

Next Semester Is Not Going To Be Fun

So I recently scheduled for next semester and let me tell you it is going to be a battle the entire way. It isn't because I am taking difficult classes, but I have to be at class by either 9 or 10 everyday. I am not a morning person, at all, so this is going to be rough. To make it even better on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have math for a solid two hours in the morning. *sigh* Other then that however my classes sound like they are going to be a lot of fun. I am taking two literature classes and an intro to fiction writing class.

Now why am I posting this sweet little blog entry? Well because I have noticed that I have been telling you nothing about my college life, but about the shows I am watching. True I love commenting on these shows, but it really isn't telling you anything about my life, except that it is pathetic and I have nothing better to do then watch these shows. *sigh* The fact that I just realized this is even more depressing.

SO! What have I been up to? Well I have been reading my little butt off from my freshman seminar and composition, but it is nothing worth mentioning. I am passing all of my classes and as far as I know I am going to get fairly high grades in them all. I have a math exam at 3 today that I should be cramming for right now, but I thought this would be a good break from studying. Russian Fairy Tales is still both interesting and ruining my childhood. We just finished Snow White: Tale Of Terror, which was surprisingly good. I will probably make a post of it after I watch it on my own time because it was a bit hard to watch with about 100 other people. I have just taken my Women and Literature midterm, so i will tell you how that goes when I know. 

I have also started to learn Korean through online lessons on I can know say hello and thank you, but I have no idea how to write in Korean. That seems like it might be the hardest part. I will keep you updated. I have also started to talking to someone from Preu, Germany, and Australia from this online pen pal site. There are some creeps to be sure, but most of the people I talk to are really nice and sweet.

Well that is a pretty good update I think. I have started watching a few more TV shows (or rewatching as the case maybe) so I will be posting again soon :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shining Inheritance!

So I am a big fan of Asian Dramas and I just finished my second full series Shining Inheritance. Let me just say that after the first episode I was hooked and even though classes and work made me take a long time to finish the series it was completely worth it. I know that a lot of people don't like watching foreign movies or shows because they have to read the sub titles and I understand that. I also think that just because something is in a different language does not mean it can't still be funny and pull at your heart strings. This drama made me laugh, cry, be angry, and just about everything in between. It gets five stars! If you want to watch on your own and don't want me to spoil it for you, stop reading now and go watch it on Dramafever :)
I loved the lead characters so much and I found the acting to be very good. You felt for Eun Sung so much and couldn't help but love her. She made you love her from the first episode and the love she had for her brother Eun Woo. True at parts I wanted her to smack her step mother and step sister, but the fact that she didn't shows just how strong she was. And at the end when she does finally hit Seung Mi I wanted it to be her mother, but it was great all the same. At the beginning of the series I was a little worried that she would just be sitting around crying all the time, but I soon saw that she would not be held down for long. She reminded me a lot of the lead character from Boys Before Flowers Jan Di. If you haven't seen Boy Before Flowers go watch it now! That gets like 300 stars and I will be making a lot of comparisons between the two :)
Both the male roles Hwan (left) and Joon (right) were also very well portrayed so that you fell in love with them both. They are also very attractive :) Now because I watched and loves Boys Before Flowers I was a little harder on the males to begin with, but again as the series progress I grew to love them. Though both series lead, Hwan and Jun Pyo, are almost the same character I found Hwan to be a lot more likable a lot earlier in the series, but Jun Pyo pulled at your heart strings more because he did love Jan Di so  much, but something always happened to complicate the relationship. Hwan was a bit more realistic as a person who you would find in real life and though the storyline was a bit far fetched you completely forget about that. Joon was so sweet that I instantly fell in love with him and even though I knew he wouldn't get to be with Eun Sung in the end I found myself at times rooting for him. Also the fact that he wasn't just the "other guy" but also had a sub-story line of his own made him even more lovable. He was the perfect guy that any girl would want to date and in real life any girl with half a brain or heart would have gone for him instead of Hwan, but that is the beauty of drama. Everything turns out for the best just like a fairytale.

This series has a Cinderella story plot line and the wicked stepmother is about as horrible as you can get. It is remarkable just how evil she is and what she makes her daughter so as well. Now she does get punished in the end, but I don't think it was nearly as severe as it should have been. In the last episode however you get the idea that she is suffering while Seung Mi was happy teaching and being with her mom.

If we are talking about Cinderella stories then Hwan's grandmother is the fairy godmother. She is so sweet and helps Eun Sung so much, but she isn't so perfect that she is unrealistic. She really wants Eun Sung to take over the company and is upset when she doesn't. She is also so tricky that at times you don't know whether she is helping or not. Also the fact that she has Alzheimer's makes her even more human. Also the fact that she doesn't realize Hwan loves Eun Sung until the end makes everything more believable.

Overall it was an excellent series and I highly recommend it. I gave away a few things, but still there are so many twists and turns that even if I described the whole series you would still be surprised at parts. It had the right mix of romance, humor, and down right depressing points. I could go on and on about how all the characters were lovable, but it is better if you just go watch it yourself. I promise that you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Don't call me Bones!

By far one of my favorite shows! I just finished re-watching the first season and it reminded me why I love this show so much. Smart, funny, witty (that is a bit redundant, but whatever) and David Boreanaz how could you go wrong? If you have never seen the show before you can either go on Wikipedia or listen to my very short and probably wrong run down.

Temperance Brennan is a forensic anthropologist who works for the Jeffersonian institute in Washington D.C. Special Agent Seeley Booth is an F.B.I homicide investigator who brings his cases to Brennan because she is the best in the country. Every week an F.B.I case comes to the Jeffersonian and Brennan, who Booth affectionately calls Bones, and her team figure out what happened. Sounds like every other crime show, but what makes Bones is the humor and the characters. You fall in love with Bones, Booth, Angela, Hodgins, and every one else that passes though the lab.

When I re-watched the first season I surprised about how much the focused on Booths military service, which has seemed to die out as the series grows longer. They do mention Booth being in the Rangers from time to time, but many of the cases in the first season bring up Booth's beliefs and ties to the military. Also the friction between Booth and Hodgins who is a conspiracy nut.

Another thing was all the relationship undertones the I forgot were in the beginning of the series. Of course there is the tie between Booth and Bones (If they don't get together at the end of the series I am going to be pissed!), but also Angela and Hodgins. I forgot that they started to mention that even in the very beginning because it becomes so much more evident in the following season.

I highly recommend this series to anyone. It has comedy, action, science, and just about everything else. Here is to hoping that the rest of the series is a good as the first season was.


So this semester I am taking a course call Vampire: Blood and Empire. For the past two class periods we have been watching Nosferatu which was the very first movie on Bram Stoker's Dracula. Now there are no copies of the original film left because the producer didn't get the Rights from the estate to make the film and all the originals were burned. However bits and piece survived and were pieced together into the movie we saw. There are a bunch of other versions of the movie so if you try to look it up be advised that no two versions are the same. 
Now let me tell you that there is nothing more entertaining then watching a silent movie from 1922 with about 70 other kids. The first reason is because the whole time I was making my own dialogue to the movie which at times was highly inappropriate. The second reason is that we would all start laughing at the most dramatic parts of the movie. Overall it was fun, but not something that I would watch on my own free time. 

Things that bothered me about the movie were too many to name, but I'll name a few. First of all was the vampire, Count Orlock, himself. I think a five year old could knock him over the way he tootled around. Then his fangs were right next to each other, not his canines. Weird much? Then he had these hairy pointy ears. He kinda reminded me of a human furby hybrid. How anyone found him scary was beyond me.

Then there was the way he died. He is all nom noming on Ellen, sees that it is morning, gets up and walks into the sun. He just disappears after that, no staking or any of the fun stuff. Very disappointing if you ask me. No one gets, shoot, staked, or really hurt in anyway then dying from the plague. I mean the Band of Light from the book isn't even in the movie! So aggravating! I mean the character that is supposed to be Van Helsing is in maybe two scenes. Though since there wasn't any talking it isn't like he could have his long and pointless speeched, but still.

I know that the plague was a more real threat to the people at this time, but it still wasn't at all frightening. maybe this is just my 2010 brain messing up the movie, I'm not sure. Hopefully the next movie we watch will be a little better, but you never know some new movies are just as awful. They think that special effect, blood, and naked women can cover up for a stupid story line. We will see.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Monday :)

And what better way to start your week then to have your bus lose power and walk a mile to get back to your dorm with a backpack so full you look like you are ready for a month long trek in the Amazon? I really can't think of one. Now I know that I get to ride the public transportation for free because I am a student in the city so I don't have the right to be as mad as the people who paid to ride, but it still sucked...A LOT. At least it wasn't raining at this point in time and my brother was with me or I would have been quite grumpy.

Our bus wasn't the only one having issues either, which made me wonder exactly what was wrong with the buses. As we walked to campus another bus was stopped and looked like it also had no power. Maybe it is a bus epidemic. All I know is that I am happy we got as far as we did. I walked about two miles to school everyday in high school so the walk this morning was nothing, but still a crappy start to your day.

Now for the real reason I am writing this post…I’m avoiding working on a paper. I mean why should I have to do this 'exploratory writing' when I will never have to use it in any of my other classes? My professor even helped me with ideas and talking it through, but I still have no idea what to write about. So I figured that my time would be better spent writing this blog entry, especially seeing that I have no followers at this point in time. This is totally a better use of my time J .

Alright, alright I am going back to work *sigh*

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jane Eyre - looks aren't everything

I had to read Jane Eyre for Women and Literature. Now this is the second time that I have read this novel and I have to say that it is much better the second time around. I don't think that ninth grade students can really understand and appreciate all that this novel has to offer other then the romance story.
Since most people have read or at least heard of the book before so I am not going to bore you with description of the plot and go right to my thoughts. I can not stand St. John Rivers. I think he is boring, obnoxious, and a prick. I am not against religion and I think that clergy should have a strong sense of duty, but to take a young girl (Jane is only nineteen) to India so she can die too young in life is just heartless. Not only that but to tell this same girl that you do not love her, but wish to marry her and think that this will be okay is just...naive. There is no faster way to a girls heart then tell her that you want her to come die with you in India because she is smart not because you love her. Maybe it is because he didn't speak with her unless he was teaching her, but it was obvious that he has no idea about what her personality is like. Though I have to admit (and agree with my professor) that he sounds hott with two t's.
*Jamie Bell is supposed to be playing St.John in a new movie coming out in 2011*
What got me even more upset than St. John is the fact that Jane was about to go with him! I knew how the book ends and I still was almost ripping my hair out during the scene where she almost said yes to his marriage proposal. She said that he suppressed her nature, character, and soul, but she thought that going to India because she couldn't be with Mr. Rochester that was cool. She already said marrying St. John would basically be killing herself before she even got to India and that she could not hold up to the climate well, I just didn't understand her logic. However maybe if I had born in the time and in her position it would make more sense, but as it is I can't get into the Victorian England mindset on this point. 

Second thought is that I always forget Mr. Rochester as well as Jane herself are supposed to be unattractive. Maybe because he is so interesting and entertaining or maybe because Jane loves him and it is her eyes we see him through, but I always see someone who is relatively attractive. I like him so much more the St. John because he cares about Jane's nature as well as her personality. Mr. Rochester could have had the beautiful Miss Blanch, but he chose someone who suited his mind. I also picture Mr. Rochester almost as attractive as St. John and even in the movie adaptions he isn't ugly or even unattractive. Now I know Hollywood has to make everyone pretty, but they could find someone who fits into the first picture that Bronte gave us.
This read through also showed me how much more the novel was then a romance. Bronte comments on the decline in literature (mostly poetry) in her time and many other wide reaching comments. Religion is also a giant part of this novel that I brushed off before as filler. I think I related a lot more to Jane this time because I feel like I am like her in a lot of ways. I am plain, smart but not extremely so, love to read and learn, and also very passionate when occasion calls for it. And damn it I am going to admit it I want the fairy tale romance with a personal Mr. Rochester! Jane follows her heart and her reason through out the novel and even though it causes her pain it also makes her happy in the end. Not only that she isn't pretty and she marries the ugly, blind, crippled man because she loves him and not the young, hot one because she thinks its her duty to God. YOU GO GIRL!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's getting hot in here

So like any normal person I was going to sleep in on a Saturday morning, but a girl on the seventh floor of my dorm had other plans. Around 9:30 this siren whoop went off. I closed my eyes and hoped that it was just something outside my window or a mistake, but nope, it came again. Then this creepy ass male voice came over the loud speakers (which I didn't even know we had) and told us that there was an emergency and we all had to leave the building.

I thought it was a drill so I rolled out of bed, grabbed my key for the room and a hoddie before stuffing my feet into my shoes. I followed everyone else out, but we all stood right outside the building figuring they would let us back in. That's when I heard a group of girls talking about smoke coming out of the door across the hall. As they pushed us away from the building we got to see the other side of the building and sure enough smoke was pouring out of a window. As I listened to other girls talk the girl who lived in that room had left so she didn't even know what was happening. Of course a bunch of girls had their cell phones so the news travled fast.

We waited for at least fifteen minutes before any fire personal showed up and the first one to arive was a SUV. Finally three other trucks showed up, but if it was a stronger blaze (I still don't know what exactly happened) the whole building would have went up.

At this point I remembered where the sprinklers were in my room, right over my bed and right over my desk. On the top of my desk were all of my text books and my favorite series of books. By my bed was my laptop, phone, mp3 player, and sock monkey. I was going to be so pissed if they went off not to mention that I would screwed for the rest of the semester.

After waiting outside for about an hour and a half to two hours they finally started to let us back in, but only on one side of the building. They were checking everyone in and if you had a guest you had to sign them in. Now some girls were in the shower when it happened and obviously didn't have their key, but lived in the building. They made them wait till someone else went up and got their key! I thought it was all a bit ridculous. Nothing in my room was damaged, but the hall around the elevator was covered in water and one of my friend's books got ruined because they were by the window and the water ran down the wall.

So I survived the fire and we are talking about making shirts :) It also got me up and out of bed, but I am still not getting anything productive done. Oh, well I guess I can blame it on my near death experiance ;)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dracula - sometimes the movies are better then the book

So I am taking a class this semester called Vampire: Blood and Empire. Naturally we are not just focusing on the new found obsession with vampires, but their historical context and the original stories. Of course Bram Stoker's Dracula was the first full length novel. I just finished it and here are some of my thoughts...

Now I really enjoyed the novel to begin with because I liked all the different points of view as well as the two different story lines converging into one. It was full of action and suspense all the way up until the scene we see Mina being forced to drink Dracula's blood. After that the book went down hill. Even the death of the Count, which was so anticlimactic that it made me want to cry, and Quincy Morris could help it. Not only that but by the end of the novel all of the most interesting characters had either been killed or turned so annoying that I couldn't bring myself to care what really happened.
I loved Mina Harker at the beginning of the novel, even though I thought she was a bit dead when she thought the marks on Lucy's neck were from a pin. I think you would notice if you rammed a pin threw someone’s skin no matter who worried you were about being discovered. By the end of the novel however she was whiny and I wanted her to become a vampire so she would at least be interesting again. The Mina portrayed in The League of Extraordinary Gentleman is so much better. Thank you creative license.
Dr. Van Helsing was annoying as all hell and I am very very VERY happy that in the movie Van Helsing he does not at all resemble Stoker's model. Though with Huge Jackman I really don't know how you can go wrong. *yum* Dr. Van Helsing in the book was sooooooo long winded and refused to tell anyone anything until something horrible happened. If he wouldn't have been so damn secretive maybe the book could have been 200 pages and not 300 hundred.

And then their is Quincy Morris who I didn't even know was a character in the Dracula book until I started to read it for myself. Let me just say that he is straight up shady. He is always disappearing and then reappearing with weak alibis and then he almost kills Jonathan shooting at a 'bat' at the window. Shady to say the least. Then he just kinda dies, no fan fair and not really a lot of drama or grief. He just dies.

I can not forget Renfield because he was the person I felt most sorry for and the saddest at his death. He was a lunatic who saw a way to get what he wanted, but at the last minute had a change of heart and died trying to protect Mina. Though I am not going to lie the whole spiders and flies was weird, but hey he was in a mental asylum.

Which leads me to my biggest problem with the novel. You know that Renfield loves Dracula and calls him master and you know that he needs to be invited into your home. So what do our brave heroes do? Leave the female home, alone and defenseless, and go out and about looking to Dracula which is only going to piss him off. Really this seemed like a good idea? I literally rolled my eyes at the book when this happened. And then it took them forever to figure out he was even feeding on Mina. Stupid males! Mina wasn't much better.

Overall I think that anyone interested in vampires or gothic novels should read this book because it is a good read. You do need to battle through some sections, but the staking of Lucy really is worth it. Also I had to read a lot of secondary literature about Dracula and now it's hard not to see everything as a sexual innuendo. Really you should read some of the stuff written about this book.

Also in the way of Dracula movies I recommend Dracula: Dead and Loving it if you are looking for a laugh. As a matter of fact I am going to go see if it is an instant watch :)


Okay so I have a slight confession to make to you (though since no one reads this I guess I am making it to myself). My favorite band at this point in time doesn't speak English. In fact they are from South Korea...Seoul to be exact.

SHINee is a South Korean pop band that my friend at work back home turned me onto and I haven't been able to get enough. It is composed of 5 very attractive males :) I am going to list them by their stage names, but if you want the full run down they have a page on Wikipedia (just like almost everything else)

Onew is the leader of the group as well as the oldest though he is not the lead singer. I really like him just from what I have seen from the music videos, though I haven't watched their live action show. I'm not that much of a super fan ;)

Jonghyun is the main vocalist as well as my second favorite member of the group. In their newest music video for the song "hello" he is drop dead sexy. His voice is also absolutely amazing and even before I knew what they were saying I was moved by his voice.

Key is one of the rappers and a vocalist in the group. I know he has a huge fan group and I don't mean to dis them at all, but his parts seem a bit small in the songs. I'm not saying he isn't talented but they seem to have him do a lot of back up harmony. 

Minho is the main rapper in the group, but that is just my personal opinion. He was a model before he joined the group (wonder why?) and is also a permanent cast member on Dream Team Season 2. I haven't watched this, but I am definitely going to look into it so stay posted ;) I personally like him better with longer hair.
Taemin is the youngest of the group and my personal favorite :) He is the lead dancer of the group and has also done acting on the Korean show Taehee-Hyegyo-Jihyun. He is absolutely adorable and though his singing isn't as good as some of the other members he is a lot better then some American singers (I'm not going to name any this point in time)
I would also like to add that it took quite a but of will power not to put the picture I found of him shirtless in bed up, but I am going to be a good little girl. I also would like to add that I think he is his hottest in the music video for Lucifer *drools a bit on keyboard* I am also going to admit that though I am a fan I am not claiming to be an expert on them. I have not heard everything they have put out, though I really enjoyed all of the mini album Lucifer. I also am a giant fan of the song 'hello' which they just put the music video out for. (You can find their music videos on youtube ;)

One thing I would like to say though is that people who leave comments on youtube really bother me. You are entitled to your opinion so if you don't like SHINee (or any other band) that's fine, but why do you find it necessary to make down right rude and obscene comments about the band and their fans? Most of the comments are racist and only show how much of an ass the commenter is. So from this unimportant college student I have a request, keep it classy kids. If you don't like a group voice you comments respectfully or better yet keep them to yourself.

Or do what I did and start a blog ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Doctor Who

My aunt and netflix has doomed me for they have introduced and allowed me access to Doctor Who. I started at the first season after its fifteen year break and the 9th doctor. Now my aunt is in love with the 10th doctor, but I thought it would be better to start at the beginning and work my way up to the cuteness that is David Tennant.

Now what really started all this was a program I had to go to for my one class. We had a choice of all these programs and we had to attend one. Well they were all lectures and stuff except of the Doctor Who. I was hoping it was the super old ones, but signed up anyway. Upon asking my cute TA and my aunt I found that it was a new one and were very good. So I went and enjoyed the free water and rice krispe and really enjoyed it. That night when I got back to the dorm room I looked to see if it was an instant watch on netflix and low and behold it was! I was then up to 1 in the morning watching episodes.

I have gotten to episode 7 of the first season so far and my favorite episode is "The Unquiet Dead" where we meet Charles Dickens. It was so good, minus the one girl dying in it. Overall I really enjoy it and though it is no Supernatural (which i am trying to get my aunt hooked on as revenge) it is something to pass the time in the dorm. I know how this season ends because I have seen it in reruns, but the 10th doctor is coming up :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So I know that I haven’t posted in a while, but to be honest all the posts I were working on were extremely boring. Now I get to the exciting thing…DRAGON CON! For those of you who do not know what Dragon Con is, basically it is a giant geek and freak convention. People dress up, stars give panels, there are costume contests, and basically a fun for everyone. My first time coming was last year and I took so many pictures. However this year I forgot to pack my camera *smacks herself in forehead*

But forget all that there is something that I need to tell you…I GOT A PICTURE WITH OLIVER AND JAMES PHELPS!!! *Squee!* For those of you who don’t know they play the Wesley twins in the Harry Potter movies. This was a complete surprise to me because I didn’t but the ticket for the picture, I didn’t even know they were here until we looked over the program. I went to a Q&A session with them and they were very nice, patient, and sweet. I was three rows back and I thought that it was about as close and personal I was going to get with them. If I had known the truth I wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night.

Then I get back to the booth I work at the Con and one of my aunt’s friends hands me a receipt. She tells me that it is for a picture with the Phelps twins. I had a total fan girl moment. So I got in line and they were moving us along quite quickly so I couldn’t talk to them at all, but it really didn’t matter because they both put an arm around me. I said hi and they said hi back. The funny thing was that I got in between them and Oliver puts his arm around me and pulled me to his side. Then it was the one-two-three smile thing. I said bye and they said cheers and I had another fan girl moment. They were super nice, and I know they had to be, but I think they are honestly nice guys you can tell.

Then there are the people that come to the booth that make me happy. There was one guy that kept coming to the booth that I thought was especially adorable. That was really I could say is that he was absolutely adorable and I wanted to give him my ’hug me’ pin. There was also another boy that was quite good looking that I struck up a conversation with, but he hasn’t come back. I personally like the first boy better because he was well informed about his fandom as well as adorable. Have I mentioned adorable?

We also had these buttons that said “I’ll give this button to the first person who hugs me” well I had been giving them away to the people in the booth next to us or people who stopped by. Well we had given away all of them but one and we were riding our way up to our floor this kid about my age and his mom got on the elevator. We are riding up and his mom goes “I think you should give her a hug” he gets this look of ’why the hell would I do that?’ then she points out my button and we all kind of look at each other then my aunt goes ’you have two floors to decide’ I got rid of my button. I just couldn’t believe his mother was so admit about him getting my button. If she liked the button she could have hugged me herself. My aunt always laughed she is pimping me out for her booth, while this mom was pimping out her son.

Last day of Dragon Con I was yet again left by myself at the booth and another young man come up to look at the wares. After the rest of the people bought some things or moved on he looked up at me and said ’I didn’t want to by anything I just thought you were really pretty’ Of course I am floored and can’t stop giggling like a ten year old. He hung around for a few more minutes (didn’t buy anything) then said goodbye and wondered off. It totally made my day though because it is not very often you are complete strangers tell you that you are pretty. I especially liked it since that more I had found a rather ugly pimple on the side of my nose. Score one for me.

Needless to say I LOVE Dragon Con.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to get students to attend stupid events and other fun facts

I got up in time this morning even with the late night *happy dance* though I was not the most pleasant person I wasn't a complete bitch either. We all staggered out of our rooms and to the basketball stadium to try and break a world record (which we did!) We were all having fun and then we had a rally for the upcoming football season and again it was really fun. That's when the did it, they already had us so the brought in speakers to tell us how important it was to get involved in stuff around campus for when you apply for a job. That was for an hour and we had been their since did not go over well with the students and by the end of it was all ran from the stadium.
I was thinking about taking a nap, but I want to get on a good schedule for when classes start on Monday so I decided to do this program all abut being safe while drinking blah, blah, blah...that we had to do online. I enrolled and got to the screen to start the course. I click start and...I was sent back to the home page. I did this FIVE times before I gave up. Everyone else could do it but me. I don't know if the University is trying to tell me something or what, but it was pissing me off. I asked my RA but she did know what to tell me she also said she didn't think it would be a big deal if I didn't do it. So I came back to the room and started to read "Plum Spooky" because those books make me happy. Lexus then came over and we had an adventure trying to get our mail boxes open and I got my books for class, well the required ones at least. I then ate at the dinning area for the first time. I'm a big girl now.

By being a big girl I also stalked boys for the first time, look at me growing up. Lexus and Honor (girls across the hall) have windows looking into the dorms across the way, which happen to be boys floors. A group of us sat and watched them for a good half hour. One group of said boys saw us and we had a pleasant little screaming conversation from window to window about what year we were. They were kinda tools, but it was still very funny. I swear to god this all girls dorm is turning me into a boy crazy freak. Like I want to hang out with someone who isn't giving off estrogen so bad I might puke.

I then went to a Luau that was being held by the university and chilled with my girls. No boys approached our group except Mike who is Anna's friend and also gay. He is a sweetheart though and I love him even though I've only known him for a few days. That's really how I feel about a lot of the people I am hanging out with. Lexus, Anna, Alexa, Sam, and everyone else on my awesome ass floor. That isn't saying we don't have Barbie dolls as my new friend Cassie says, but most of us are super chill. 

I got back to the room from playing cards at 1 figuring it would be an early night, but it was not to be. My best friend from high school who goes to a different college was on skype and decided to call me. I was talking to him till two once again before he went to do laundry (I thought it was an odd time) However the most exciting thing of the night was our first drunken story. After we had the assembly about being safe with drinking (see last post) this girl is in the lobby obviously wasted leaning over a trash can with another girl telling her to warn her before she pukes. This girl later gets carted away in an ambulance and we find out she took 10 shots as a freaking pregame. Anyone knows 10 shots in freaking main event material and covered by freaking ESPN. Now I'm not sure what happened to her, but it has lead us to a new nickname for our dorm. The drunk bitch dorm. We are pleasant little girls aren't we?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Morning Pittsburgh!

So I went to sleep around two in the morning because some of my fellow male classmates decided it would be a good idea to sit out in the courtyard and scream at the top of their lungs. I did not agree, but then they didn't ask my opinion.

At the time I didn't see this as a huge deal since I have nothing to do today until 2p.m. At eight this morning when someone pounded on my door I remembered one small roommate Anna was moving in today. If there is anything that will wake you up faster then someone pounding on your door the the door opening when you don't think their is anyone else with a key please inform me because I have never woken up so fast. After I figured out what was going on everything went pretty smoothly. Anna's parents are super nice and have offered to buy us anything we need for the room (sweet!).

The girls moving in down the hall are exactly what I expected to find in a dorm full of girls...they are what are referred to as those girls. One refused to sleep by the window so they had to move everything in the room, then they were complaining about closet space, and now they are hanging up all there AE clothes while watching Finding Nemo. Now I'm not trying to bash Nemo but unless I am completely wrong about these girls I don't see us becoming fast friends. They are now referred to by our group as the Nemo room. Yes I said group as in I made friends.

We have an open door policy on our floor meaning if you have your door open people can come visit. Me and Anna were just chillen when this girl pops her head in and asks where we sleep. We find out her name is Alexa and is friends with a girl across the hall Lexus. They ended up sitting on the floor and talking to us for a good hour and we sucked more and more people into our room so soon we had girls from different floors. It was pretty sweet. The best part was that a smaller group of me, Lexus, Anna, Alexa, and Honor hung out together for the rest of the night. I am closest probably to Lexus just because she reminds me a lot of a girl back home that has the same name.

We had a floor meeting and I love my RA. She is super nice and sweet and wants to do all these things with us over the year. After that we had to go to an assembly about sex, drugs, and drinking. It was actually very good and talked about rejection (a giant fear of mine and about every other teenager) and how you will get turned down more then you will be accepted. I don't know if I am going to take it to heart or not, but it made me feel better at least.

I was out walking around till about 1 a.m. and then played cards up in the lounge with kids from other dorms. Some of them were a bit on the annoying side, but they were alright overall. I got back to the room at 2ish and found P.J asleep in front of the closet meaning no shower. There were also people scream outside again, but I passed out which was good seeing as I had to be up at nine

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello World!

Hi there!
I am a freshman in college this year and thought it would be fun to start a blog to post all the things that happen to me and such (I have no idea if this will be exciting or not) I am not going to use the actual names of anyone just to make sure no one sues me in the future. Now on to the basics.....
I'm not going to tell you what school I attend except that it is in the city of Pittsburgh. 
I am an undeclared freshman student and I am female. I have two roommates...P.J. and Anna (not their names) So far I haven't really done much except move in and meet my roommate P.J. who seems pretty cool, though we are both a little socially awkward. I'm not overly out going so the whole meeting new people thing is going a little slow, but I think I'll get the hang of it. One thing I have learned in my short time here is that even if you stick a bunch of people who don't know each other in any social setting they will instantly form into small groups. If you are not in ones of these are screwed. I'm not really a group person so as you can guess I haven't made many friends yet, but it is still early. *thinking positive*

I'm not a total social outcast though. Both my brother and his girlfriend live right outside the city and they have basically adopted me now that I'm here. I already have a tooth brush at their apartment and they have suggested I leave clothes there. I feel like their collective girlfriend or pet dog...both sound really wrong, but whatever. I know a few kids here from my highschool and one girl that goes to a school nearby.

Another thing I learned today, no matter what time it is there are people walking around campus. This makes me feel a lot safer, but you won't see me strolling around at 3 in the morning by myself. Even with my maglight that could knock out a horse. My brother's girlfriend (who will be known as Taylor) bought it for that excat reason. "This is so you can beat off rapists" like I am going to be walking around with this gaint freaking flashlight whenever I go out. I guess it is the thought that counts...I guess. 

Well that is it for now I am going to read a bit (a favorite passtime of mine) then sleep (another favorite passtime)
Good night :)